"Question: Why on Earth would you order Papa John's when there are like 86,397 REAL pizzerias on Staten Island?
Possible Answers:
- Your tastebuds were removed.
- You enjoy diarrhea.
- You've been banned from every other pizzeria on Staten Island and you can't afford to cross a bridge.
- You need to shingle your roof.
- You've only recently arrived to this country and you don't know any better.
- You and your friend are having a "Worst Pizza Contest" and he's getting Domino's.
- You lost your frisbee.
- You're ordering it to the house of your arch-nemesis.
- Your wife wants pizza but you want a divorce.
- You've grown really fond of fake pizza whilst living in Iowa.
Whatever your reason, don't make it Papa John's."
"January 16, 2020"
"1 word: CARDBOARD
It's literally the worst tasting pizza I've ever eaten. PERIOD. One star is even too high a rating."
"January 16, 2020"
"Worst pizza in the world papa john is the worst bring pizzahit back. This place is disgusting I almost puked when I tasted the meat pizza with all frozen bits of garbage.
I wouldnt even let my dog eat it. I rather have dominoes
I dont even give it a star I had to put one star because when i entered it said error"
"January 16, 2020"
Papa Johns Located in Grant City neighborhood of Staten Island. Papa Johns is open Today. Friday March 7th from 11:00 am -until 09:00 pm Delivery, is available. Serving Pizzeria Cuisine
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"Question: Why on Earth would you order Papa John's when there are like 86,397 REAL pizzerias on Staten Island?
Possible Answers:
- Your tastebuds were removed.
- You enjoy diarrhea.
- You've been banned from every other pizzeria on Staten Island and you can't afford to cross a bridge.
- You need to shingle your roof.
- You've only recently arrived to this country and you don't know any better.
- You and your friend are having a "Worst Pizza Contest" and he's getting Domino's.
- You lost your frisbee.
- You're ordering it to the house of your arch-nemesis.
- Your wife wants pizza but you want a divorce.
- You've grown really fond of fake pizza whilst living in Iowa.
Whatever your reason, don't make it Papa John's."
"January 16, 2020"
"1 word: CARDBOARD
It's literally the worst tasting pizza I've ever eaten. PERIOD. One star is even too high a rating."
"January 16, 2020"
"Worst pizza in the world papa john is the worst bring pizzahit back. This place is disgusting I almost puked when I tasted the meat pizza with all frozen bits of garbage.
I wouldnt even let my dog eat it. I rather have dominoes
I dont even give it a star I had to put one star because when i entered it said error"
Papa Johns Located in Grant City neighborhood of Staten Island. Papa Johns is open Today. Friday March 7th from 11:00 am -until 09:00 pm Delivery,
Restaurants offering Alcohol/Beer/Wine is available. Serving Pizzeria Cuisine
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